SSI Products, LLC

Grade TSS - Washed & Dried Filters

  • Grade TSS - Washed & Dried Filters
Grade TSS - Washed & Dried Filters Grade TSS - Washed & Dried Filters Grade TSS - Washed & Dried Filters

SSI Products, LLC

Grade TSS - Washed & Dried Filters



The Accudisk™ Grade TSS PreWashed filters are washed and rinsed under vacuum then dried per the requirement of Standard Method 2540D (TSS).

These filters are binderless glass microfiber filter with a fine porosity, fast flow rate, with a 1.5μm size particle retention. Ideally suited for determination Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). 

These are packaged 100 filters per box with a material lot number on the label for traceability

If you have additional questions or want to place an order please call 978-702-9591 or email: